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NOISE/ R U I S – Roland Kuit

In the exhibition NOISE/R U I S you experience the phenomenon of noise in different dimensions. On the walls are stills of eight meters wide, where noise can be seen as vertical patterns, and a video installation with a slowly changing horizontal noise landscape. The most important is the installation of eight speaker boxes placed on tripods that produce noise in  many facets, audible. Collisions, dialogues, interplay, patterns, spreading, merging… In the ACEC Salon, Roland Kuit uses audio art to create a connection between image and sound, making noise come to life.

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On the walls stills of eight meters wide, where noise can be seen as vertical patterns, and as a video installation a slowly changing horizontal noise landscape. Thhe eight loudspeaker boxes that are placed on stands and radiate sound in all their facets. Collisions, dialogues, interplay, patterns, distribution, merging…..

In the ACEC Salon, Roland Kuit uses audio art to create a connection between image and sound, bringing noise to life. NOISE/ R U I S was exhibited in the ACEC Salon Apeldoorn 13 januari t/m zondag 18 februari 2024

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