4 0  y e a r s  M o d u l a r  M a s t e r y  o f  R o l a n d  K u i t   
Modular synthesis, Roland Kuit

SoundLab II. Architectures for Philosophers. Donemus Publishing House of Contemporary Classical Music. 2014, catalogue number - 13665

Order at Donemus here:


Teaching and certification:


Interactive Html/PDF e-book
The Clavia NMG2 Demo soft synthesizer included

For chapters see index
Building autonomous synthesizers and FX architectures will give freedom to express thoughts in patch structures. 
The use of this freedom in sound and composition, is explained in the interactive eBook SoundLab I ©.

New tools to individualism
While making these patches I became aware of the fact that there are so many fields, like e.g. astronomy, mathematics,
DNA research, IT development and neurotransmitters, with comparable functionality. 
It is in the way these fields are organized that we can recognize patterns. 
What amazes me is the connectivity and parallels, in so many fields finding its way into 
modular sound design now, by cabling these findings into patch architectures. 
It was a challenge and especially fun to bring and connect these fields together. 
A two years daily research captured in meticulously assembled patches.
Certainly it will be a challenge for everybody's creativity in finding new ways in modular sound design.  
This eBook is not for lower level users.

Update: For Mac users please go here to download OSX compatible NMG2Demo sotware:
Scroll down.


From Pablo Mastodon:

Nord G2 Owners Rejoice!

Roland Kuit, the mad scientist who authored the definitive work on Nord Modular and G2 synthesis, SoundLab I, has now emerged from his studios to release SoundLab II, an exhaustive study which takes the myriad programming possibilities of the Nord’s G2 synths to previously unknown heights. Students of these techniques do not need to own a Nord to partake of these lessons thanks to the G2 Demo freeware provided by Nord, but for G2 owners SoundLab II represents a mind-boggling treasure trove of assorted building blocks illustrating various strategies for sound generation and control.

“This eBook is not for low level users,” page one warns; Dante’s “Beware all ye who enter here” would be more appropriate. Seriously twisted combinations of modules abound and Roland seems to take special delight in demonstrating how to create/manipulate sound in new and obscure ways. LFOs coupled to flip-flop logic circuits become sequencers, homemade filters are cobbled together using miscellaneous bits and pieces, and the results are usually more conservative of CPU resources, and certainly more versatile, than using the ordinary stock sequencing or filtering modules.

As with SoundLab I, each and every example in the book is represented by a patch screenshot which has been hyperlinked to the actual patch file for convenient download. Just teach your computer to associate the .pch2 file format with Nord’s G2 Demo freeware, and auditioning patch examples is a breeze. Well, almost a breeze....with more than 750 programming examples provided, spending only two minutes with each one will consume a full 24-hr day out of one’s life! Trust me, students of SoundLab II will be losing much sleep while staying up late immersing themselves in the complex world of colored-cable tapestries woven by Mr. Kuit.

Seriously, this is Ph.D.-level work and deserves to be recognized as such. There is little doubt in my mind that the Board of Regents for Nord University will be awarding Roland Kuit an honorary doctorate along with tenured Professor Emeritus status for this milestone contribution to the world of G2 synthesis.

It should be added that the SoundLab II examples are primarily created for educational/illustrative purposes and are not intended to provide unsophisticated users with easy, color-by-number short-cuts for creating programs. Serious study of these things will require serious time and thought investment, and a thorough understanding of SoundLab I...no pain, no gain. ;-)

Pablo Mastodon

Roland Kuit SoundLab II

Written by Enrico Cosimi on . Posted in Software, Tutorial

Da molti anni, nella comunità dei modular addicted (analog e virtual), il nome di Roland Kuit è pronunciato con rispetto misto a timore: già dall’epoca del primo Clavia Nord Modular, storici tutorial firmati RK hanno insegnato a legioni di musicisti come trare fuori il meglio dal proprio strumento senza cadere nella banalità del classico VCO-VCF-VCA, ovvero ad utilizzare in maniera non banale strumenti apparentemente semplici. O anche meno semplici.

Oggi, dopo aver aperto la strada con SoundLab I, Roland Kuit ha presentato il suo nuovo lavoro SoundLab II, destinato a fornire molto materiale a chiunque – dotato di Clavia Nord Modular G2 – voglia spremere il massimo dal proprio strumento seguendo un approccio di programmazione assolutamente non convenzionale.

Di Enrico Cosimi

Clavia NMG2

Per programmazione non convenzionale, intendiamo quel modo di procedere nell’assemblaggio della patch che prevede l’impiego di strategie di basso livello (inteso nel senso informatico del termine), quindi la costruzione di logiche di funzionamento molto personali che non usano moduli preconfigurati, ma che estraggono i comportamenti più consoni partendo da elementi semplici.

Un esempio (molto) banale potrebbe essere la produzione di un’onda quadra attraverso comparazione di un’onda dente di sega: due forme d’onda simultaneamente disponibili, a dispetto del design tradizionale degli oscillatori Clavia, che prevede la generazione di una e un’unica onda per volta. Ma il lavoro di Kuit è molto più approfondito e non si limita certo alla comparazione delle saw waves.


SoundLab II è un e-book organizzato per essere gestito (in html) attraverso Internet Explorer, Chrome o Opera (non Safari, attenzione!!!), che mette il musicista di fronte a precise aree di programmazione relative a: Oscillators, Filters, Patterns and Sequencers, Logic, Miscellaneous, Shapers and Audio, Audio Processing, Appendix. In ciascuna area, il musicista troverà le schermate delle patches e, cliccandoci sopra (ripetiamo, non in Safari), invierà automaticamente la patch al Nord Modular G2 Demo Editor o – in alternativa – all’Editor dello strumento hardware, potendo così ascoltare praticamente in tempo reale la programmazione.

L’impatto è devastante; analizzando le strutture programmate, l’utente consapevole è portato immediatamente ad alcune constatazioni che, auspicabilmente, preludono ad un’approfondita sessione di studio:

Spremere moduli noti per avere comportamenti meno prevedibili è una dimostrazione di grande virtuosismo: dal punto di vista timbrico – ma è banale, parlando di NMG2 – non aspettatevi brass, strings e cose del genere; la direzione è quella della ricerca sonora, del comportamento inatteso, del glitch raffinato o delle formanti costruite sfuttando turbolenze dei random generator o altre piacevolezze.

SoundLab II può essere acquistato attraverso PayPal a 125 euro; per questa cifra, vi portate a casa 750 patches inedite, impostate su un approccio timbrico che non troverete da altre parti, sulle quali potrete passare tranquillamente i prossimi anni a studiare, studiare, studiare, studiare…

Assolutamente consigliato.

Tra l’altro, se conoscete l’olandese o l’inglese, perchè non contattare direttamente l’autore per una master class ad hoc?

From Syl Kougaï

Je suis un utilisateur du système modulaire de Clavia depuis la sortie du premier Nord Modular. J’utilise depuis cette machine avec un réel enthousiasme, et cet enthousiasme ne tarit pas. Je pense en effet que c’est une machine génialement conçue, certainement une des plus intéressantes de sa génération. Pas très facile à prendre en main et même si une approche simple et personnelle donne déjà des résultats satisfaisants, elle nécessite une réelle étude pour pénétrer en profondeur les secrets de la synthèse sonore modulaire.

Le e-tutoriel interactif SoundLab de Roland Kuit est dans ce domaine devenu une référence incontournable. Et voici que SoundLab 2 vient d’arriver, l’occasion de faire un point.

Le premier volet SoundLab I est LE livre interactif qu’il faut étudier juste après le manuel de l’utilisateur. Plus de 650 patches représentés par une capture d’écran sur laquelle il suffit de cliquer pour l’ouvrir instantanément dans l’éditeur de Clavia, le rêve devient réalité ! Notez qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de posséder un G2 car la version démo de l’éditeur de Clavia fonctionne sur Mac et PC sans besoin d’hardware additionnel, elle est soit monophonique mais elle est gratuite.
Les différents types de synthèses traditionnelles y seront illustrés avec clarté ainsi que la recréation complète (en suivant leur plan de construction) de synthétiseurs mythiques tel le Minimoog, le DX7 ou bien encore l’ARP 2600. Vous voulez construire un synthétiseur avec matrice de routage ? Et bien, regardons comment Roland Kuit reconstruit l’EMS Synthi !
On se plonge ensuite dans la création de patches appliqués à un contexte musical. Tous plus intéressants les uns que les autres, ils sont remplis d’astuces pour générer des rythmes et des lignes de basses ainsi que concevoir des patches dans un but plus expérimental. On apprendra aussi plein de choses sur le module Sample&Hold, l’utilisation des modules Logic qui feront jaillir plein de nouvelles idées pour élargir les possibilité rythmique d’un patch.

SoundLab II est quant à lui au niveau de difficulté supérieur et nécessite à mon avis la compréhension des points abordés dans le premier volet. Comme le dit son auteur « This eBook is not for lower level users. The modules are not going to be explained. The patch order and their coherence with accompanying text explain a way of thinking by themselves.». Ceci dit, rien n’empêchera l’utilisateur de triturer les patches sans forcément comprendre leur entière logique. Quoi qu’il en soit, avis aux amateurs de design sonore, on est ici au «next level».
Classés simplement par familles de modules (osc, filter, pattern&sequencers, etc…) les patches même les plus petits sont le fruit d’une vision lumineuse du modulaire. Une multitude de nouvelles possibilités pour générer de nouvelles sonorités, combiner et cascader des modules de manière originale et impromptue, voila la teneur de SoundLab 2. Véritablement inspirant ! On a envie de comprendre le fonctionnement de certains patches complexes plus en profondeur, mais ce n’est pas toujours évident. On aimerait parfois que Roland soit à coté de nous pour en discuter…
Le nombre de patches (plus de 750) fait de SoundLab 2 une véritable banque de circuits fous (mais fonctionnels) à triturer sans pitié. C’est une mine extraordinaire de techniques surprenantes et d’astuces en tout genre, et au final une approche unique qui mérite largement la réputation que Roland Kuit a acquis.

Il vous faudra du temps et du café, mais si vous êtes un passionné de la synthèse modulaire, SoundLab est pour vous !
From Mag Osh:

Most of the questions regarding Modular synthesis have a real difficult approach to the basics material, and sometimes it's really hard to understand how this connection work and interact between one and others.
But today, with virtual technology, is possible to achieve this knowledge by these books interactivity.
Roland Kuit and his SoundLab I&II eBooks helped me a lot in this way. By opening the first Chapters in SoundLab I, I found myself completely involved and Roland Kuit helped me a lot in this way. The Clavia software and Roland's patches gave me awareness that were very far from my synthesis point of view. He deeply explains all kind of physical synthesis from basic subtractive, passing through additive, granular, wavetable, formant and very much more. And all the sections are logically structured so you will be able to follow a logical path through the chapters.
By moving and connecting the various modules, already meticulously assembled by Roland himself, I'm free to plan and program my next patch, and this inspiration is translated in the original analogue world.
As I started my very first modular system some months ago I based my purchases on the knowledge achieved through this eBooks. And if you are so lucky to own a real Clavia Nord Modular G2, the possibilities are unlimited. I've been constructing new patches and modify Roland's patches since 2 years now and the results are always new and fresh to my hears.
I personally love most the sequencer pattern section, and copy and past some of the oscillators to combine extreme sequencing. But this is applied for me for almost all the sections of these amazing eBooks.
I recommend both SoundLab I & II as for me were a turning point for my productions.

First contact from labels comes a lot thanks to study SoundLab I and SoundLab II.
The SoundLab II is completing SoundLab I, giving more specification to single chapters and new insights.
Focusing on different and new aspects of patterns and sequencers. In the chapter Logic, Roland is going 3D!!
Amazing logic structures unfolding to my eyes and ears.
Chapter Audio processing is mindblowing too. Audio mangling you can't find in the stores. Stunning DIY made pattern controlled reverbs/echo's, you name it.
Slowly trying to gasp it all and wondering if I ever can come back to this world. Trying not to get lost in this galaxy of new possibilities.
The reader has now a complete view of synthesis and specifications, this is really essential for all.
If you are new to synthesis or already a sound warrior, this "must have" flabbergasting eBooks have to be in your personal data with no compromise!

Magosh & the Magizhan
From James Maier:

Roland Kuit's "SoundLab II" is stunning!

Another amazing offering from Roland Kuit.

Roland has probably taught me more about sound synthesis than just about anybody! Back in the day, I used to spend hours deciphering the patches he made for the original Nord Modular synth. Years later, and not much has changed.
Roland has been sharpening his genius programming skills
and is now offering a mind-blowing package of innumerable patches that open for listening with a single click in the included Nord Modular G2 Demo software.

I have been slowly working my way through these beautiful aural constructs and am enthralled again as I was a decade ago, inspired to create fabulous monstrosities of my own!
Equal parts tutorial, demonstration and resource,
Roland's SoundLab II is a fantastic project.

Highly recommended even if, like myself, you don't have a Nord Modular G2. :)

Carbon One-Eleven

Few patch examples:

Modular synthesis, Roland Kuit    Modular synthesis, filter


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