ROLAND EMILE KUIT | composer - sonic artist

1st Dutch composer with sonic art in space on board of the NASA OSIRIS-Rex mission

Roland Emile Kuit’s artistic path is undeniably marked by a tenacious drive to redefine the horizons of sonic art and composition. With his groundbreaking installations, enveloping sonic environments, and intellectually stimulating performances, he defies entrenched norms and encourages audiences to traverse unexplored territories of sound and space. Kuit’s pioneering contributions to the discipline have not only garnered him global acclaim but have also catalyzed engaging discourse, thereby revolutionizing our understanding of sound as a medium of artistic expression. - Ewan Shah

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Composer Roland Kuit on Bulchla 200 EMS Studion Stockholm.

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Sonic Artist Roland Kuit wih one of the Walls of Noise

Roland Emile Kuit lectures, performs/exhibits at universities, art galleries, museums and creative hubs in Europe, the United States, Asia, Russia and the Baltic States. Publications in the art magazines l’Orbe and Avenue Magazine, Sound On Sound Magazine, KULT, Cinquecolonne Magazine, Aatonau and WIRED: Musica Globalista. Featured Sonic Artist at DONEMUS - Publishing House of the nexus for contemporary classical music.

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Roland Kuit Photpgraphy by Harrie van Opstal 

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Creating new compositions with the Buchla 200 and Kyma system.

Roland Kuit