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Honour to our pandemic victims

Sonic memorial for all time victims of pandemics


Humanity has known many epidemics leading to a pandemic. Composer - sonic artist Roland Emile Kuit has created formulas that give a “sound” to each of the 40 worst pandemics.

Kuit developed models to create micro-sounds as a reflection on, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic. Sounds that act as a virus can only exist in a symbolic dimension until they find a host. We are the hosts for these 40 works of sound art as they resonate within our collective history to form a sonic memorial.

This sonic memorial, Monumentum, had its world premiere at RADIOARTE ITALIA in September 2020.
With Monumentum, Kuit allows us to experience the worst pandemics in human history.

Roland Kuit
Research, imagination and association in a technical way made Roland Kuit write his books about combining synthesis techniques. Lecturing at diverse universities and creating radio programs about electronic music giving him a platform to discuss his conceptual worlds.
Roland performs on concert stages and in art galleries and museums. His books and music are published by Donemus, Publishing House of Dutch Contemporary Classical Music.
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Experience MONUMENTUM by Roland Kuit

MONUMENTUM In memory of all victims who have died as a result of epidemics worldwide.....Overwhelmed by all news, Roland felt he had to do something for the all-time-victims of pandemics. He created this sonic memorial to reflect on this horrific situation. This COVID-19 pandemic hovering as a noise through all societies and makes us more aware of who we are and the importance of art. Micro-movements of air as sonic genomes like a virus can exist in only the symbolic dimension of evolution until it finds a host. Like we can be hosts. 40 quadraphonic works of sonic art resonating with our collective history. Therefore, MONUMENTUM is a timely reminder that death is a part of humanity that we can not escape and must embrace into sound. A sonic reconciliation of our commitment to society.The starting point was to use the Kyma system to create the sound of 40 of the largest pandemics in history. Roland Emile Kuit developed new models for every pandemonium forming viral networks as sonic genomes. The Kyma system generates the newest forms of non-standard synthesis techniques. A Sonic Memorial for all time pandemic victims
Roland Kuit - Kyma
©Roland Emile Kuit 2020
Barcode: EAN8718274610499
Composer's Voice CVCD: 234

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