![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ROLAND EMILE KUIT | ABSOLUTE SONICS All pictures are hyperlinks to the events |
_______________ 2024.12.25 23:00 hours C.E.T. Spatial direction as compositional interaction ![]() Music composed for site specific locations Produced by Roland Kuit ------------------------------------ 2024.11.27 23:00 hours C.E.T. SOUND - SPACE - MOVEMENT ![]() Music composed for site specific locations Produced by Roland Kuit 2024.10.23 23h C.E.T. Sounding arts / Art space IV Wonderphone Produced by Roland Kuit _______________________ 2024.09.25 23h C.E.T Soundig arts / Art space III![]() Bill Fontana Produced by Roland Kuit _______________ Soundig arts / Art space II ![]() Rainforrest - David Tudor Produced by Roland Kuit ______________ 2024.07.24 23h C.E.T. Soundig arts / Art space I![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________________________________ 2024.06.02 MUSEUM EICAS: 02 4 juni t/m 2 september Roland Kuit audio sculpture Remapping Rajlich zaal 6 ![]() Nieuwe Markt 23 7411 PB Deventer, The Netherlands _______________ 2023.05.22 23h C.E.T HELMCAII ![]() HELMCA Electroacoustic Festival Part 2 Produced by Roland Kuit _______________ 2024.05.03 INTERACTIVE ART * NEWS at Private Kitchen THREE INSTALLATIONS IN MUSEUM EICAS BY COMPOSER AND SOUND ARTIST ROLAND KUIT ![]() Composer and sound artist Roland Kuit investigates the discussion that is not being had in three installations in Museum Eicas in Deventer. About how people no longer read, for example. About the role of the masses when balls are thrown via social media. About what happens when people stop thinking or thinking for themselves. (click picture) _________________ 2023.04.24 23h C.E.T. HELMCA II ![]() HELMCA Electroacoustic Festival Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________ 2024.03.11 NEW ALBUM published by DONEMUS ![]() Sonic installation art My first exhibition of constructions in noise was in 1978. FM/AM. Things have changed immensely. Since my studies at the Institute of Sonology in the 80s in Utrecht, I have been researching chaotic systems and microsound. _________________ 2024.02.28 23h C.E.T. MUSEUM EICAS 01 on radio ![]() Reflections with textless paper Produced by Roland Kuit _________ 2024.02.04 Opening exhibition 0 1 at Museum EICAS (European Institute for Art and Science) ![]() Roland Kuit - Three sonic installations Nieuwe Markt 23 7411 PB Deventer, The Netherlands ________________________________ 2024.02.01 NEWS DONEMUS ![]() 2024.01.13 - 24.02.18 DONEMUS NEWS: Experience the phenomenon of noise in many dimensions with the audio art of Roland Kuit N O I S E can be experienced from Saturday January 13 to Sunday February 18, 2024 in the ACEC Salon. Noise is the moving world within ourselves and around us. At the micro level it is a constant flow of information, full of changes and variations. Yet noise is something that many people ignore. When you open yourself up to noise, a whole world unfolds, as Roland Kuit discovered. Exhibition N O I S E shows a palette of articulations in which noise even seems to take on patterns. ![]() ___________________ 2024.01.13 - 24.02.18 Beleef het fenomeen ruis in verschillende dimensies met de audiokunst van Roland Kuit. R U I S is van zaterdag 13 januari t/m zondag 18 februari 2024 te ervaren in de ACEC Salon. R U I S is de bewegende wereld in onszelf en om ons heen. Op microniveau is het een constante stroom aan informatie, vol veranderingen en variaties. Expositie R U I S toont dan ook een palet van articulaties waarin ruis zelfs patronen lijkt aan te nemen. ![]() Stills eight meters wide on the walls, where noise can be seen as vertical patterns, and on a video screen a slowly changing horizontal noise landscape. The most important are the eight speaker boxes placed on stands that emit noise in its many facets. Collisions, dialogues, interplay, patterns, distribution, merging... In the ACEC Salon, Roland Kuit uses audio art to create a connection between image and sound, bringing noise to life. ACEC Roggestraat 44 7311 CD Apeldoorn, The Netherlands ____________________________ Concrete Strings ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________________________ 2023.11.17 ![]() Modulisme session 096: V.A. BUCHLAÏSMS VI ___________________________________ 2023.10.25 23h C.E.T. ACOUSTIC INTERIORS PART I ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _________________________ 2023.09.23 Nieuws Telegraaf NASA ontvangt stukje asteroïde dat antwoord kan geven op vragen over ontstaan van het leven
![]() © NASA Artistieke impressie van Bennu, op ruim 300 miljoen kilometer van de aarde "Als alles volgens plan verloopt, landt zondagnamiddag een stukje geschiedenis op aarde. En dat is letterlijk te nemen: de ruimtesonde Osiris-Rex van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap NASA verzamelde namelijk een onaangetast stukje kosmisch gesteente van een asteroïde en zal dat zondag, goed verpakt in een capsule, terug naar onze planeet schieten". "Overigens heeft de missie een klein Nederlands tintje; de Osiris-Rex heeft muziekklanken op een chip mee van muziekwetenschapper Roland Kuit". ______________________________________________________________2023.09.23 23h C.E.T. Against the Grains with composer Dennis Barthory-Kitsz ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _________________________ 2023.09.14 -20 Atemporanea IV Buenos Aires EVALUATING COMMITTEE Installations - Sound Art - Audiovisual Work - Interdisciplinary Creations ![]() ______________________ 2023.08.23 23h C.E.T. Composer - researcher Juan Carlos Vasquez ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________________ 2023.07.26 - 23h C.E.T. The ELEMENTS - Oscar van Dillen ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _________________________ 2023.06.12 DONEMUS NEWS ![]() The ethos of Kuit’s work is firmly rooted in the intersection of art, music, and science. He has emerged as an avant-garde force, pioneering the integration of audio art within installations. Eschewing traditional speaker boxes, Kuit has forged captivating “sonic spaces”, which have markedly changed the auditory landscape. As an instructor at the Vrije Academie in the Netherlands, Kuit generously imparted his expertise, teaching and inspiring others with his groundbreaking techniques. His musical portfolio is impressively diverse, encompassing everything from experimental sound-architectural installations to acousmatic performances and site-specific creations... _______________________________________________ 2023.06.28 - 23h C.E.T. The Music of Pierre Couprie ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _________________________ 2023.05.24 ![]() ![]() ________________ 2023.05.22 - 2023.06.18 Virtual exhibition A.R.C. Group/ Art research Center - 55th anniversary ![]() Curated by Erdem K. Koroglu ___________________ 2026.04.22 23:00h C.E.T. Electronic Frequencies ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _______________________
2023.03.22 23:00h C.E.T.
Peruvian Electroacoustic and Experimental Music (1964-1970) ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ______________________ 2023.02.22 23:00h C.E.T. UKRAINE SONIC SPACE ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit __________________________ 2023.01.29 18:00h C.E.T. ![]() Art Table Delft/Kunsttafel Delft Disclosing rudiments Art Talk from the upcoming book by Roland Kuit ![]() De Waag Markt 11 2611 GP Delft The Netherlands Reservation and tickets required ________________________________ 2023.01.25 23h C.E.T. The humming project ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _____________________ 2022.12.28 23h C.E.T. Atemporánea Festival 2022 Buenos Aires. Electroacoustic music for fixed media. Selected applications Part II ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ______________________________ 2022.11.23 23h C.E.T. Atemporánea Festival 2022 Buenos Aires. Electroacoustic music for fixed media. Selected applications Part I ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ______________________________ 2022.10.26 23h C.E.T. Léo Kupper – Complete Electronic & Voices Works 1961-1987 (Part I) ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ___________________________ 2022.10.08 Manheimer room ReVIEWING 13: International conference on Black Mountain College Thematic Focus: Leo Amino/The Visible and the Invisible: Submerged Histories of Abstraction ![]() Co-hosted by BMCM+AC and UNC Asheville at UNC Asheville's Reuter Center North Carolina, USA _______________________ 2022.09.28 23h C.E.T. Networks as model for sound creation ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _____________________ 2022.08.019 Presentation Acoustic Interiors at The Institute for Sonology Creating sonic portraits of the two buildings between which the Royal Conservatoire is currently transitioning: the old one at Juliana van Stolberglaan 1, a building full of stories, and the brand new Amare, an almost empty building at Spuiplein 150. ![]() Which sounds in the old busy building would you like to preserve? Which sounds from Amare would you like to capture before it gets busy there? And after the old building has been abandoned, which spaces would you like to revisit? Location: Royal Conservatoir The Hague Spuiplein 150 The Hague The Netherlands Read more about Acoustic Interiors: ![]() ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2022.08.24 23h C.E.T. Sculptured SONIC SPACES | Dedicated to Rudi van de Wint ![]() Roland Emile Kuit recorded sound impulses of the sculptures of Rudi van de Wint with contact microphones. The impulses were used to create sonic textural forms. These textural forms are reflecting the dialogues with the open air surroundings at the Nollen. Till the 22th of October you can find the retroperspective exhibition of Rudi van der Wint at the Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar: https://stedelijkmuseumalkmaar.nl/rudivandewint Produced by Roland Kuit _____________________ 2022.07.28 23h C.E.T. A broadcast about psychoacoustic phenomena ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ______________________ 2022.09.19 - 2022.09.24 EVALUATING COMMITTEE Installations - Sound Art - Audiovisual Work: ![]() Interdisciplinary Creations at Conservatorio Superior de Música Ástor Piazzollay, Buenos Aires __________________________ 2022.07.07 CHIGIANA INTERNATIONAL SUMMER FESTIVAL 2022 A WINDOW FROM SILENCE ![]() MONUMENTUM by Roland Emile Kuit _________________________________________________________________________ 2022.05.17 ongoing project Museum EICAS: UKRAINE SONIC SPACE - Roland Emile Kuit SPECTRAL SONIC TRAJECTS: ![]() EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART AND SCIENCE Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022. The invasion was internationally condemned as an act of aggression by the United Nations. War in Ukraine. The unthinkable is happening in Europe: the Lives of millions of people are affected directly or indirectly by this war on a global scale. As an artist, Roland feels the need to respond with sonic art against these acts of barbarism in Ukraine. The expression of sound is closest to Roland's artistry, and he therefore decided to create a neo-Dadaistic concept by making experimental sound collages from edited recordings from Ukraine. This processing is done with the Kyma system – a supercomputer for sound synthesis and sample manipulation. The result are landscapes, formed by sound spectra from, among other things, existing war reportage, as a commentary. Roland tilts these spectra and crosses this data from the three-dimensional fields that have now arisen. This can be in a chaotic way or based on algorithmic structures. In addition, these sound spectra are a metaphor for escape routes in a war world that we can perceive as sound trajectories moulded into binaural audio sculptures. An end stage of what we call human civilization. As a statement against war, ethnonationalism, protectionism, fascism and establishment. Roland will supplement this project with sonic art based on current events in Ukraine.
Museum EICAS
Nieuwe Mart 23 7411 PB Deventer, The Netherlands ___________________________ 2022.06.01 Preview INSTALLATION nanoTIME QUARTET: ![]() MUSEUM VOORLINDEN, For invitees only. Buurtweg 90 2244 AG Wassenaar __________________________________________________________________________ 2022.04.27 23:00H C.E.T. 5th TIEMF concerts Tehran Part III ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _________________________________________________________ 2022.05.25 23:00h C.E.T. Electronic Frequencies
2022.04.27 23:00H C.E.T. 5th TIEMF concerts Tehran Part II ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _________________________________________________________ 2022.03.23 23:00H C.E.T. 5th TIEMF concerts Tehran Part I ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________ 2022.02.19 - 2022.02.26 TIEMF 5th Tehran International Electronic Music Festival Iran 2022 ![]() Organised by YARAVA Music Group, Department of Music of Tehran University and Art University Thursday 24th: RNA LAB Quartet | The Well Lecture by Roland Emile Kuit ![]() Curated by Dimitri Papageorgiou _______________________________________________ 2022.01.16 NEWS TIEMF ![]() _______________________________ 2020-2022 The Orchestra De Ereprijs as Sonic Installation THE ORCHESTRA EREPRIJS AS SONIC INSTALLATION 2020: COV-19 hit hard on Europe. Cultural life stood still. I created MONUMENTUM, a sonic memorial for all-time pandemic victims. I wanted to work for this occasion with an orchestra, but that was not possible at the time. So I created the work with the super computer for sound: the KYMA system. 2021: After several lockdowns in the Netherlands and things opened up a little, I contacted Aspasia Nasopoulou, the artistic director of the orchestra De Ereprijs. I spoke with her that I needed noise and micro sounds of this orchestra in order to create an installation as a new language of stacking created by all sorts of articulations. She was instant enthusiastic and ventilated my idea to the orchestra. During the year, sounds came in by the musicians. Lots of research to create a system that can handle the amount of samples that came in and how to manage all processing. Now, one year later, I managed to create such system and can be used in interactive way by the public. A lecture on this will follow at the premiere. This is just a preview from this extensive sonic installation. Orchestra De Ereprijs: Aspasia Nasopoulou - Artistiek directeur Pieter Jongelie - Zakelijk leider | Jeroen van Dijk - Hoorn | Jacqueline van Brink - Fluit | André Groen - Slagwerk | Erik-Jan de With - Saxofoon | Hans Witteman - Klarinet | Marije van den Berg - Fluit | Sabine Laar - Saxofoon | Dineke Griek - Tuba | Sjors van der Mark - Gitaar |
Sjoerd Pauw - Trompet | Beppie Schalken - Trombone |
Herman Lamers - Bas | Peter de Hoop - Trombone | Aljosja Buijs - Piano /
toetsen | 2022.02.23 23:00H C.E.T. In Memoriam Jon Appleton ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________________________________________________ 2021.02.04 Concertzender: In Memoriam Jon Appleton Creator of the new trend “programmatic electronic music”______________________________________________________ 2022.01.26 2300h C.E.T. Electronic Frequencies ![]() In Memoriam Gottfried Michael Koenig Produced by Roland Kuit _______________________ 2021.12.30 In Memorian Concertzender Gottfried Michael Koenig passed away 30 December 2021 ![]() Photo: Rineke Dijkstra Gottftried Michael Koenig was the composer who gave form to electronic music by a systematical approach. _____________________________________________________ 2021.11.24 2300h C.E.T.Electronic Frequencies ![]() The Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association Produced by Roland Kuit _______________________ 2021.10.27 2300h C.E.T. Electronic Frequencies ![]() Composer Denis Dufour Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________ 2021.09.22 2300h C.E.T. Electronic Frequencies ![]() Composer Ezequiel Esquenazi Produced by Roland Kuit _______________________________________________________________________ 2021.08.18 DEEP SPACE Interview AD Newspaper By H. van Opstal ![]() ______________________________________________________________ 2021.08.12 NASA: Chance of asteroid colliding with Earth greater than thougt Powerful Art tour ![]() ___________________________________________________ 2021.08.12 PowerfulL Art Tour ![]() _______________________________________________________ 2021.08.25 2300h C.E.T. Electronic Frequencies ![]() Composer Ben Carey Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________________________________________________________ 2021.07.05 - 2021.09.01 RADIOARTE ITALIA: CHIGIANA INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL 'DIVERSO' 2021 ![]() Orbits of quantum sounds for public and private spaces Special section of the Chigiana International Festival 2021 dedicated to radio and sound art and radio and sound experimentation. The historical production of radio and sound art and the classics of the avant-garde, the Chigiana archive, monographs, contributions by artists and productions, focus on various authors, meetings, talks and interviews from inside and outside the festival. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2021.08.11 In the news: NASA: Powerful Art Tour ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() _________________________________________ 2021.07.28 2300h C.E.T. COMPOSERS MIX ![]() Composer: Seth Rozanoff Produced by Roland Kuit ______________________________________________________ 2021.06.17 & 2021.06.30 20h C.E.T. WebSYNradio: deux pièces d’art sonore - Roland Emile Kuit ![]() Produced by Dominique Balaÿ ______________________________________________________ 2021.06.23 2300h C.E.T. CALMNESS....... ![]() Composers: Hessel Veldman & Martijn Comes, Roland Emile Kuit & Balasz Adorjan Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________________________________________________________ 2021.05.26 23:00h C.E.T. COMPOSERS PORTRAIT YANNIS KYRIAKIDES ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ______________________________________________________ 2021.04.28 23:00h C.E.T. COMPOSERS PORTRAIT JUKKA-PEKKA KERVINEN ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ______________________________________________ 2021.04.04/2021.04.11/2021.04.18/2021.04.25 | 00:00:00 till 00:23:45 C.E.T. RADIOARTE ITALIA presents: MONOGRAPH ROLAND EMILE KUIT ![]() Ogni domenica una monografia dedicata all'ascolto ed allo studio dell'opera di un autore. link _______________________ 2021.03.26 11:00h C.E.T. Sculptured Reflections - Roland Emile kuit For R.W. van de Wint (1942-2006) ![]() The work of Rudi van de Wint focuses on how a work of art interacts with the surrounding space. By using contact microphones to record impulse reflections from the sculptures, Kuit managed to create sonic textural forms in dialogues with the open air surroundings at the Nollen. ______________________ 2021.03.24 23:00h C.E.T. The Willem Twee Studio's Den Bosch ![]() A unique setting of historical analogue electronic music equipment in the Netherlands ____________________ 2021.03.04 - 2021.03.21 XS Gallery - Institute of Fine Arts Kielce Poland
Electroacoustic music from Argentina
The electroacoustic works included in this program were composed within the chairs of Electroacoustic Composition I (Composition Degree) and Gesture and Sound Effects (Popular Music Degree) of the Faculty of Arts and Musical Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Teacher: Graduate Sandra González. Electroacoustic music from Argentina I The electroacoustic works included in this program were composed within the chairs of Electroacoustic Composition I (Composition Degree) and Gesture and Sound Effects (Popular Music Degree) of the Faculty of Arts and Musical Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Teacher: Graduate Sandra González. ![]() Composers: Félix Adrogué, Juan Bautista Arambarri Torre, Rosario Pilar Brunengo, Nicole Hernández, Vanesa Belén Severin, Rodrigo Jara, Dino Perez, Diego Pisano, Mauricio Kagel Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________ 2020.12.16 02:00 - 07:00 | 2020.12.24 02:00 - 07:00 C.E.T. Contemporary Music Night #76 – Viral genoms and molecular sonics. Tonight you can listen to the Monumentum project of Dutch composer and sonic artist Roland Emile Kuit. Monumentum is a fourty piece suite in memory of all victims who have died as a result of epidemics worldwide. To complete the five hour night Roland Emile Kuit made Loudspeakers, a special hommage to Dick Raaijmakers. ![]()
2020.11.25 22:00h C.E.T.
Electroacoustic music for fixed media
alone in stereo or quadraphony / Selected applicationsIn Memoriam Jan Boerman broadcasting ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _________________________ 2020.10.25 - 2020.10.31 Международный фестиваль экспериментальной музыки и саунд арта: Dutch Sound Art Days will be part of the international festival for experimental music Sound Around Kaliningrad 2020 ![]() Roland Emile kuit and Karin Schomaker / Роланд Каут & Карин Схомакер Su 25 Oct. 21:00 (GMT+2): SITES Wo 28 Oct. 19:00 (GMT+2): GRUIS Complete program here At the online site of the Baltic section of the National Center for Contemporary Arts (NCCA Kaliningrad) Russia Thanks to Valeria Gorokhovskaya and Consulate General of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg and Het Wilhelmina E. Jansen Fonds. Special thanks to Данил Акимов (Danil Akimov), curator NCCA, art-director Sound Around Kaliningrad _________________________________________ 2020.10.28 22:00h C.E.T. GREY SPACE ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _______________ 2020.10.20 ![]() NASA maakt zich klaar voor moeilijke landing op Bennu Door Silvan Schoonhoven ![]() _______________ 2020.10.23 Interview NPO Radio 2 Sonic Art Roland Kuit on OSIRIS-REx ______________________ 2020.09.23 22:00h C.E.T. NEW MUSIC SERIES ![]() Composer Jorge Sad Levi Produced by Roland Kuit ________________________ VI Chigiana International Festival & Summer Academy Siena Italia 2020.09.01 ![]() Fondazione Accademia Musicale Chingiana presents on RADIOARTE ITALIA: MONUMENTUM - composer-sonic artist Roland Emile Kuit Threnody for the victims of human pandemics throughout history ![]() Broadcasted in full across 36 countries simultaneously on September 1/ 2/ 3: 10:00h C.E.T. Replay at 18:00h C.E.T. ________________________________ 2020.08.26 Atemporánea Festival 2020 Buenos Aires Argentina See: Atemporanea 2020 __________________
2020.08.24 - 2020.09.06 ![]() Joseph Buis (FR), Judith Cisneros (AR), Elizabeth Day (AU), Judith Duquemin (AU), Liz Helman (UK), Gosia Koscielak (PL/US), Roland Emile Kuit & Karin Schomaker (NL), Aaron Perkins (AU), Charley Peters (UK), T. Michael Stephens (US), Jon Thogmartin (US). POP Gallery, Queensland College of Art. Griffith University. Australia bhai __________ 2020.08.04 What's the Issue#2 Issue is a publication of research done by the Faculty of In-humanities. scheduled for publication in September 2020: ![]() With a.o.: noise and sonic stacking - a way of making imaginary spaces visible and audible by Roland Kuit ______________________________________ 2020.07.27 Sonic research at Willem Twee Studio's Den Bosch, the Netherlands ![]() Algorithmic composition on ARP2500 & KYMA _________________________ 2020.07.22 22:00 C.E.T. ELECTRONIC FREQUENCIES ![]() BEAST; the Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre Produced by Roland Kuit ___________________ 2020.06.24 22:00 C.E.T. ELECTRONIC FREQUENCIES VOICINGS ![]() Hear voices in times of social distancing Produced by Roland Kuit _______________________ 2020.07.07 |ARTFUL QUARANTINE ![]() Art experience / COVID-19 It's a very uncertain moment for all of us but hopefully we are using it as a gallery we are taking the time to innovate and think of better ways to promote our artists. We would like to use this challenging historical moment to record what the artists thinking or creating during this time. We just sharing some the inspiration behind the works and how it relates to the current circumstances. Thank you so much for all your wonderful support. Artists: Maria Angelica Viso, Neil Kerman, Alfonso Segovia, Philippe de Kranz, Zelia Mendonça, Melissa Hin, Thiago Costackz, Serafina Figliuzzi, Eliana Mourão, Adelia Clavien, Eliane Mourão, Rahmel Garner, Dino Ventura, Lu Mourelle, Alexis Duque, Marcello Pavan, Letícia Mercier, Kenji ONJOJ,I Xavier Caudron, Patricia Beltran, Prakaash Chandwadkar, Zélia Mendonca, Peter Bracke, Jennifer Costello, Maria Kruschewsky, Alessandra Garcia, Maycon Nunes, Roland Emile Kuit, Emerson Murakami. Supported by: NY Pro Art Society, NYICAS ________________________ 2020.06.21 0:00h C.E.T. #stayhome premier (DONEMUS) MONUMENTUM
Overwhelmed by all news I felt I had to do something for the
all-time-victims of pandemics. I created this sonic memorial
to reflect on this horrific situation. This COVID-19
pandemic hovering as a noise through all societies and makes
us more aware of who we are and the importance of art.
Micro-movements of air as sonic genomes like a virus can
exist in only the symbolic dimension of evolution until it
finds a host. Like we can be hosts. 40 quadraphonic works of
sound art resonating with our collective history. Therefore, MONUMENTUM is
a timely reminder that death is a part of humanity that we
can not escape and must embrace into sound. A sonic
reconciliation of our commitment to society.
On May 21 at 0.00h Roland Kuit gives the world premiere on YouTube of his MONUMENTUM, In memory of the all time victims who died as a result of epidemics worldwide… For Roland Kuit, the starting point was to create sounds to the 40 largest pandemics in history using the Kyma system, a super computer for the creation of, among other things, all kinds of synthesis forms. Roland Kuit developed a new model for each pandemony that forms a viral network. This 4.2 hour work should be sent out to 4 sound pillars that distribute the microtonal frequencies quadraphonically, creating a spatial movement. YouTube premiere (stereo) of this sonic art. ________________ 05-27 22:00 C.E.T. The Oram Tapes Part II ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit ______________ 04-22 22:00 C.E.T. The Oram Tapes Part I ![]() Produced by Roland Kuit _______________________ 2020.03.25 C.E.T. 22:00 Electronic Frequencies ![]() Monography Hans van Eck Produced by Roland Kuit _______________________ 2020.23.01 - 2020.23.02 2020 Pärnu FotoFest - Viga süsteemis | ERROR![]() Pärnu Linnagalerii | Kunstnike Maja Pärnu, Estonia __________________________ 2020.26.02 22:00 C.E.T. Electronic Frequencies ![]() Cultural Uprising from Prague Produced by Roland Kuit ______________________________ 2020.02.17 Radiophonic art ![]() Soundworks by Fari Bradley, Osvaldo Cibils, Roland Emile Kuit, The Caretaker Produced by Henk Bakker and Lucas Simonis __________ 2020.02.14 Kunstirustina Pärnus ![]() __________ 2020.23.01 ![]() __________________________ 2020.22.01 - 22:00 C.E.T. The Institute of Sonology The Hague series II ![]() Composers: Babis Giannakopoulos, Anne Wellmer, Tomer Baruch, Ji Youn Kang, So Oishi and Sara Pinheiro Produced by Roland Kuit ____________________ 2019.12.25 22:00 C.E.T. Electronic Frequencies Christmas Special ![]() "aes Campanum" composed Soundscape of Church Bells from all over the world - Roland Emile Kuit Produced by Roland Kuit __________________ 2019.11.25 Sonic Artist Roland Emile Kuit in Soundlines of Contemporary Art ![]() Catalog of the International Contemporary Art Exhibition (ICAE 2018) Yerevan, Armenia _________________ 2019.11.11 - 2019.24.11 extended OUA (Osaka University Of Arts) Electroacoustic Music Festival 2019 ![]() 50th Anniversary A Bit Animalistic - Roland Emile kuit will be part of an installation of acousmatic works taking place at Osaka University of Arts Electroacoustic Music Festival. Sonic exhibition entrance AV Hall and the Experimental Dome @ Osaka University of Arts Osaka, Japan __________________ 2019-11-27 22:00 C.E.T. The Institute of Sonology The Hague series ![]() Composers: Marie Guilleray, Siamak Anvary, Ángel Arranz, Kacper Ziemianin and Fani Konstantinidou Produced by Roland Kuit _________ 2019.09.26 Donemus Highlights Roland Kuit's Electronical Music ![]() ____________ 2019.10.23 ELECTRONIC FREQUENCIES FESTIVAL ATEMPORANEA PART 2 ![]() Composers: Dante Tanzi, Pablo Freiberg, Ricardo de Armas, Roland Emile Kuit and Mariano Peinero Produced by _________ 2019.09.25 ELECTRONIC FREQUENCIES FESTIVAL ATEMPORANEA PART I ![]() Composers: Felipe Otondo, Duo FRVSNT and Pablo Di Liscia Produced by _______ 2019.09.14 1° Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea “Atemporánea” ![]() ________________ |
Frans van Doorn, Hans Kox, Will Eisma, Jos Kunst, Peter Schat, Klaus Gorter, Berend Giltay, Gillius van Bergeijk
Produced by Roland KuitHosted by: Ralph Hopper
__________Hosted by: Ralph Hopper
2018.05.23 - 23:00 C.E.T.Composers: James Andean, Mike Blow, Robin Parmar, Virginie Viel, Neal Spowage and John Young
Produced by Roland KuitSONORIDADES ALTERNATIVAS - 20 años
Calle 50 nº 575, La Plata, Buenos AiresEmbark on a musical exploration with sonologist Roland Kuit
Centro Cultural Lope de Vega. Madrid, Spain
Madrid Abierto
KISS2016: GRUIS / GRIT, Roland Kuit & Karin Schomaker from Symbolic Sound on Vimeo.
De Montfort University Leicester. U.K.Als er buitenaards leven bestaat, is de kans groot dat de muziek van Roland Kuit het eerste is dat zij van onze aarde te horen krijgen. Het werk van de Nederlander mag van NASA de ruimte in. De componist en klankonderzoeker was al wereldberoemd in zijn vakgebied, mogelijk komt hier nu ook universele faam bij. In september vertrekt een sonde naar asteroïde Bennu, waar een chip met zijn muziek wordt achtergelaten. Kuit is van jongs af aan helemaal gek van de ruimte en vindt het helemaal top dat hij dit nu kan combineren met zijn liefde voor elektronische muziek.
The Game changers
You can take a seat in the class room on February 24 during Electronic Frequencies: 23.00 CET.
This lecture is about the concept
space in electronic music.
In our Daily life our ears are filled by
the sound reflections of surfaces.
Lindblad Studio's synopsis I
March 13, 2015
Film festival bridging experimental architecture,
experimental film and experimental music
Opus Caementicium, a short, abstract cinematic ode to concrète by Karin Schomaker with a Kyma generated score by Roland Kuit will be screened in New York on March 13, 2015 at EZUFFPP#6 NY— a festival bridging experimental architecture, experimental film, and experimental music at Spectrum Space in NYC.
Described as “an experience of form, light, surface, sound and movement,” Opus Caementicium is “an attempt to transcend the mere material.” For the soundtrack, Kuit uses the Slipstick synthesis module to create pulses that are frequency modulated and fed into a Resonator Bank. These reflections of sound are then Time/Frequency shaped to create a beautiful concrete sound/music environment.(eight nerve)
Spectrum SpaceRoland Kuit, gästtonsättare på EMS under december-januari. Roland höll en master class i ämnet binär syntes tidigare i december. Han ger på denna månads bollplank en kortversion av sin föreläsning:
The ‘On and Off’ lecture explains the basics of binary synthesis in use with modular synthesis in an unconventional way, i.e. by explaining the limitless possibilities that even the ‘on’ and ‘off’ switch offers. From a 2-switch instrument to state of the art complex pattern shapers. Shaping audio by creating 4 and 8 bits pipelines and creating switch matrices of choice will offer numerous possibilities in sound design.
Söndag 2015-01-04 kl.17:00 – ca 21:00 på EMS, Söder Mälarstrand 61. Med förfriskningar, jubileumsglögg och tilltugg.
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(a)Live & (RE)turn To Zender
The starting point of the four-hour New Music / Crosslinks contribution
(a)Live & (RE)turn to Zender links between different disciplines music, musicians, composers and experts who are involved in contemporary music.16.00-20.00 hours European time.
The Edge of Sound
Roland Kuit lets us experience the fringes of sound. When does sound/noise/vibration/tremor become a composition? Starting with Pierre Henri’s composition ‘Variations pour une porte et un soupir’ of 1963, Kuit kicks the door wide open in order to let us experience some very interesting experiments and takes us back to the essence of what vibration is as well. Which applied electronic techniques were ‘ground-breaking’ in the past years? And which sound designers were able to translate their personal conceptions into aesthetically justified compositions?
Gerard Meulenberg interview with Roland Kuit
Part 1"Here in Rome, we have had the rare and precious chance to host a lecture by Roland Kuit. His long experience and knowledge of synthesizer’s programming and programming languages made this event imperdible. Theme of the lecture was, briefly, a wealth of possible sound techniques starting from the simple on/off switch and its behavior momentary or toggle; from simple alternation of state as core for digital event and audio generation, until complex sonic structures of great charm and refinement. Roland Kuit used the standard Clavia Nord Modular G2 DSP based hardware synthesizer, with a standard Behringer BRC programmable controller, nothing esoteric or denied to the masses; during the whole lecture, those present have had access to Kuit’s superior knowledge of the subject. Trained at Instituut voor Sonologie in Utrecht (Netherlands), Mr. Kuit has deeply grasped the powerful theories behind the historical 100-event generator and its implication for producing controls, audio signals and events, to their implementation in any programming environment sufficiently advanced and powerful. That lesson was a really great learning experience and cultural growth for all participants, 20 electronic musicians from Rome and hinterland, who were able to follow, step by step, in plain English, the construction of tonal and control structures of high level, powerful and exquisitely logic. The difficult made easy. Really, a great option for all of us."